The Damn Democrats

In a miracle of modern science, John Kerry seems to be attempting to grow a spine. Two years too late.

The way forward in Iraq is not to pull out precipitously or merely promise to stay ‘as long as it takes.’ We must instead simultaneously pursue both a political settlement and the withdrawal of American combat forces…”

Maybe this is one of those crazy stem-cell things they keep talking about. The administration’s opposition to the research kind of all makes sense now: if it was out in the open all sorts of Democrats could grow spines and stand up against the Neo-Con regime. Good thing they’ve got that under lock and key.

I like this guy, I even liked him durring the trainwreck of the 2004 campaign, but statements like that are really not helping anybody.

Significantly Heady & Impactful Times

Topics for consideration this week so far:

The Neal Gaiman’s Events-Are-Cowards Theory
Funerals, Why We Have Them
The Heaping-crock-of-shit That is The Health Care System in This Country

These topics, the fact that I even considered them appropriate, prove to me that I’m a fairly substandard writer. The one that needs to be addressed here is simple and difficult at the same time: someone is gone from the world and we miss them. The fact that I don’t want to embellish proves I’m a bit of coward when it comes to self-exploration.

I went to a memorial service this weekend for a friend. A friend who left us too soon. As funerals go, this was a good one. We raised a glass, shared a memory and lent a hand or a shoulder to those who needed it. But as deaths go it was too damn soon. I’ve spent the time since avoiding this infernal machine, knowing that I should try to put something down about all this, thinking about what I could possibly pen/type to do this justice.

Three days, an hour of bad reality television, a good run and a glass of wine or three later, I’ve still got nothing. The languages are different, My fingers can’t pass the emotion to the screen, know matter how hard I try. Does not translate, output errors abound. Humor, travel, politics, design – these i can handle. Grief is another thing entirely.

So i go run again, I go to they gym and all that’s kicking around in my head is stupid bullshit topics, that say nothing to the storm of the past week. More horribly flawed output, nothing close to capturing the gravity of the times.

And so I’m sitting in my backyard now waiting for something to dislodge, ready to chunk this thing in the damn garden when this song comes on.

Ambulance Ltd. – The Ocean

It’s a cover of an old Velvet Underground song. There’s no significance behind this, no logic. I hadn’t listened to music with Jerry in 15 years, I don’t know if he’d even like it (in fact i doubt it), but it makes me think of him. We each find our solace in different ways: God, Meditation, Music, you name it. It may not be the same way for us each time…one method may supersede the other on the next fixed game that life hurls our direction. These stupid little letters on a screen didn’t cut it for me this time. A cover song set on repeat…who would have thought that would help me think of a friend finding peace.

As long as it moves you forward, with good memories of the past. There’s bar in Red River called the Motherlode Saloon. Two years ago Jerry and i sat at a table in the back sipping Lonestar, artfully avoiding getting dragged onto the dance floor, into the flurry of professional two-steppers. He watched the crowd with a trademarked smirk that we all remember fondly. A good time, a good night. A good memory. A push forward.

Wade vs. Tree

Somebody took exception to my descriptive naming of my recent epic-crash on a local trail. Therefore, I will now proceed with a detailed description of the aforementioned superman/pole dancer maneuver, as well as providing the highly illustrative figures a & b,thereby proving the appropriateness of my nomenclature

The way this works best (or worst depending on your point of view) is by finding a nice steep limestone drop-off with a turn and a tree. (see figure b.) Right as you approach said drop you should act like a total wuss and slow down to a crawl so that all your momentum is now directed downwards instead of forward.

As your shock bottoms-out and the bike starts to pitch you over the handle bars, you’ll want to go ahead an unclip form the bike so as not to seriously damage your ride. Damaging your self is kind of a given at this point.

As you clear the bars reach out (see figure a.) and grab the tree, to keep you from flying off into the prickly pear or impacting said tree with your head or face. Tuck in and try to spin around the tree in a kind of slick combination of a pole-dancer/baseball player sliding-into-home maneuver. Be sure to try and dodge the aforementioned cactus as you land. The final crucial step is to tuck-and-roll away from the crash site as your bike (hopefully in three or less fewer pieces) comes bouncing down the hill behind you.

Now the real fun begins as you have four miles of similar trail in front of you. The preventative measure of not being a total uber-wuss on subsequent drops is highly recommended.

Totally. Appropriate. Nomentclature.


Last night after a bit of a hectic evening that involved being locked out of the house and an epic superman/pole dancer bike wreck on the trails at Emma Long, we headed downtown to see a dance/performance art show at the Intel shell. For those that aren’t acquainted, this is Austin’s greatest monument to the foolishness of the dot com boom, five stories of unfinished concrete in the middle of down town that Intel left to rot when the boom went bust.

Now for three weeks this summer it’s a stage
, and a very cool one at that. I’m not usually one for dance shows, but this had people zipping an rappelling between floors, the cool cirque de sole fabric twisting dancing thing, and a woman floating from the roof down four stories to the very-hard concrete slab. A very very unique staging. The building is scheduled to be demolished later this summer to make room for the new Federal Court house (a place most of us will hope we never end up going to), so this makes one helluva send off.

Mr. Vance does something cool

The Blue Lapis Light Production company has put together a pretty spiffy show over at the unfinished Intel building downtown. Former Trebuchet co-conspirator Alan Vance did the ropes and got to have fun using a pneumatic hammer drill on structural concrete. The show runs for the next two weeks, and is well worth your time.

Change ? We fear change…

The site has been running a bit dull lately, a byproduct of me being really busy but also a little bit due to the current setup. Last year i took the number of entries on the main page down to one, in order to lend emphasis towards longer pieces. One entry per page is kind of like me making coffee for myself every morning: great idea, but i still end up going to Starbucks, much to the offense of my indie-coffee-shop sensibilities (it’s right on the corner, I’m sorrrrry, alright).

Anyway, point being I’m bumping the number of entries on the main page up a bit, with the hope of being able to add some medium-sized entries, without the effort of the giant writing projects. Yup, it’s just one more way to be lazy , but as the benevolent-god/dictator-for, that’s my call.

Oh and ten points to whoever knows the movie that the title is lifted from.