Entries by wadeferd

Economic Impact

The Port of Southern Louisiana is the fifth largest port in the world according to wikipedia. Between that and I-10 looking like somebody went after it with a ginsu knife, the economic impacts of this thing could be far reaching (the human toll is already horrid). Some are speculating that the loss in import capacity […]

Closer to the internet home

The folks who i bought my domain name from are apparently are holed up on the 10th floor of a skyscraper in downtown New Orleans, with three weeks of backup power and a bunch of webcams. Thanks guys.

At what point is a city no longer redeemable ?

In watching the New Orleans coverage over the last few days, I’m starting to wonder at what point can you feasibly rebuild a major metropolitan area after such extensive damage? Some have bounced back from the big storms. Galveston in the 1900 hurricane is a good example, but Galveston also required a massive public works […]

Hitting close to home.

Houston’s opened up the Astrodome, Dallas Reunion Arena and here in Austin Tony Burger center has opened up for refugees from the hurricane. The Burger center is less than three miles form my house… I pass it every day on the way to work.


I done got me a promotion today ! It is our privilege to promote Wade Treichler to Communications Coordinator. There is no doubt Wade has worked incredibly hard to earn this position. Given that he has the most communication with EVERY team in this building, we are proud that he will be our representative on […]

Through with the mountain stages

Ok, so after a bit of a marathon session today, I think we’ve got everything going here. Comments and all that hoo-ha are turned on (we’re a real blog now, pinnochio!), and all the pages have hopefully been brought over to the new system. If we’re missing something crucial, im sure we’ll find out eventually. […]

Here’s the deal

So, after 6 months of wrestling with my old CMS program, I realized I had completly screwed up the install, and need to start over ( I draw pretty pictures for a living, what do you expect ?). Anyway after a few weeks of battle and negotiation, the server and I have reached an agreement. […]