White People

Like bicycles.

Lake Mead

Scheduled to dry up somewhere around 2014 to 2021 according to the most recent models. We’re going to have some thirsty angry people on our hands.


FISA Bill, S. 2248, (aka the government is now allowed to listen to all your phone calls without a warrant bill) has passed the senate with retroactive immunity for the Telecom giants (who have already been doing the governments dirty deeds), intact (as in, no you can’t sue AT&T for tapping your phones illegally in the past). Also of note Obama and McCain voted to strip retroactive immunity from the bill (thereby holding them responsible for their previous, illegal actions). Clinton voted the other way couldn’t be bothered to vote.


Understands Europe real good like.


For the first time in my lifetime, democratic primary candidates are paying attention to Texas.


The number of delegates needed by a democratic candidate to wrap up the nomination. Superdelegates get to vote how they please though and constitute almost 20% of the votes. In a race this close they could swing it against the primary results.


Cap metro’s first rail cars are here all the way from Switzerland.

Lego Facts

2.16 million LEGO elements are molded every hour. That and more Lego facts.

Kottke's Best of 2007

Say what you want, the guy finds some damn good content.

Tres Cuevas

I am an idiot to be even considering this ride.