Ocean Therapy

Kevin Costner has a way to clean 210,000 gallons of oil-tainted sea-water a day. No, really.

Plan B

We could always nuke the leak. The Russians did it all the time so I’m sure it’s safe.

Videogame Merit Badge

Well America it’s been fun, but clearly the end is near.


The Coast Gaurd’s best plan at this point is to set the 40-mile long oil slick in the gulf on fire. This is going to go well.

Hover Dam Bridge

Not a small amount of concrete in a canyon that’s already seen it’s fair share.

Live-Action Graphic Novel

The stage version of The Intergalactic Nemesis projects the comic book artwork panel-by-panel while three actors perform the voices, one foley artist creates the sound effects, and one keyboardist plays the score, all live.


I love Texas, but the only thing that could really make the panhandle any worse would be making it part of Oklahoma.

A Short Hike

33 Days across St. Elias National Park, in photos.


A fundraiser is under way to buy Rush Limbaugh a ticket to Costa Rica where he claimed he’d spend the rest of his days if the Health care bills passed. If (as expected) Rush decides that America’s still pretty ok, the funds raised will be donated to Planned Parenthood.


South by Southwest for the cheap. Lots of new venues this year -plan your sick days now.