Front Pages

The morning-after front pages of the major daily newspapers around the country.


Last night when I went to bed, after staying up way to late listening to results for the Texas House races (we might just unseat Tom Craddick), I fully expected to wake up and fin out that McCain had actually taken Ohio or California, and that we had another month of recounts and lawsuits ahead of us, eventually terminating in the standard model of mediocrity and disappointment that has been the benchmark of the past eight years.

But this morning, Obama was still president-elect and my god, something in this country might actually change. After his acceptance speech, i called my parents – they saw the civil rights movement, vietnam, the 60’s – was this the same?

Nope, this was something new altogether. To borrow a common theme of late, here’s hoping.

President Obama

Obama and his superior fonts have hit 270. Here’s hoping for something different.

And From NYC…

People are yelling from cabs, shouting “Obama!”
This is surreal.

And, of course, the requisite electoral map.

Election Day

The precinct at the Presbyterian church near my house already had folks lining up at 7:00 this morning, so I’m guessing it’s going to be a busy day out there. The county clerk’s office is predicting almost 80% turnout which, even in this politically active area, is pretty unheard of. Remember to be nice to your poll workers – most of them our volunteers. Unless of course you run in to vote-suppressing republican lawyers –  then you can be as mean as you want.

Either way, hopefully by midnight this will be over with, and our country can go back to caring about important things, like the Olsen twins.

Learn more about your voting rights – state by state information from the ACLU.