Never a Good Plan
I’m in the middle of converting an old mountain bike into a single-speed. One of the steps is disassembling the front stack of gears, known as the chainrings, and rebuilding them with just one gear.
To make this work, I need some lock-washers. To get the right washers I brought one of the bolts that hold the stack together with me to the office, and have been subsequently fiddling with it all day. This afternoon I had a small lull in my work load. I looked at the bolt sitting on my desk and thought – I bet that’ll fit in my nose. Why? I have no idea. In hindsite the answer here should always be no, it won’t and don thy it. But I tried and it did, and as it’s hollow posed no breathing problems or much discomfort.
Until my boss walked in. There’s me, typing away at the computer with two giant aluminum-faux-buggers hanging out of my already ample-sized nose.
Awesome. Yes, I am 12-years-old, apparently…