Our fair city

I’ve been bound and determined to write something at least slightly positive on the site lately, but the Bush Administration has been ruining that plan. However, on a local level the city looks ready to approve the updated citywide design rules. This is a very cool development, that will hopefully stem the onslaught of the Big Box stores on our area, or at least help them look a little cooler.

“Everyone has talked about having more mixed use on those transit corridors like South Lamar, but the city code hasn’t kept up,” Planning Commission Chairman Chris Riley said. “This will help create stretches of pedestrian-oriented developments. It’s just a whole different approach.”

Drive-throughs will have be tucked behind restaurants, and car-related businesses will not be allowed on corner lots unless trees obscure them. Shielded lighting will replace glaring pools of light. “

Austin is also the first city to pass a ban on ‘coal tar sealants’, a asphault sealant that has been causing problems with the water supply and the cleanliness of Barton Springs.

Go us. Glad we have a nice place to live that hasn’t completely sold out.