I used to swim at this guy’s pool…

Here’s a new approach: Congress should admit its mistake and repeal the authority wrongfully given to the executive branch in 2002. Repeal the congressional sanction and disavow presidential discretion in starting wars. Then start bringing our troops home.

From remarks from the floor by Rep. Ron Paul, who hails from the my hometown on the gulf coast. Not really what i’d expect from a region formerly associated with (although not directly represented by) Tom Delay.

In 2004, bin Laden stated that Al Qaeda’s goal was to bankrupt the United States. His second in command, Zawahari, is quoted as saying that the 9/11 attack would cause Americans to, “come and fight the war personally on our sand where they are within rifle range.”

Sadly, we are playing into their hands. This $124 billion appropriation is only part of the nearly $1 trillion in military spending for this year’s budget alone. We should be concerned about the coming bankruptcy and the crisis facing the U.S. dollar.

Letsee, defeat through bankruptcy – isn’t that basically how we ‘won’ the cold war…