Mother Clucker

Pinero told me about this, and I was skeptical. Then I tried it and my running theory for the idea behind this thing is that Buddah, Jesus, Allah and God had a mean a case of the munchies one night, and decided to create the ultimate snack/meal/pile-of awesome. I had to steal this pic from another website, as we ate ours so fast, I didn’t have time to snap a picture. Gordough’s, the fine, fine provider of quality donuts from their humble airstream on South Lamar, takes a fresh-fried ball of dough, tops it with honey butter and strips of just-slightly spicy fried chicken and dubs it the Mother Clucker.

This is up there in the pantheon of best-things-ever-eaten, and works fantastic as an appetizer to the Odd Duck food trailer, next door. An because its a savory treat, you can wash it down with a glass of cheap BYOB wine and still feel classy.