
Deanna Shot Video !
It’s oriented wrong so if someone knows how to change that please let me know. For now just tilt your head towardswise!!! Thanks to Jerome for turning our video the proper direction!

Update: sorry in the intrest of badnwidth issues i had to take this one down in favor of the current one. Click the link to view it.
Link to Cow Video

4 replies
  1. Deanna
    Deanna says:

    You are indeed very mighty!! That was the best New Years Bash EVER! The images of flinging will be with me until I die.

  2. Ted
    Ted says:

    That was awesome, although fruit does go further then bovine any day of the week. I am glad I was there to see it live. And that Kinetic Injury didnt kill any of the constructors of it.

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