Merry christmas

We don’t celebrate enough, there’s no feasts or festivals, just astring of national three day weekend and weaksauce greeting cardholidays. Christmas is the one time that’s different. Even McDonaldsis closed.Raise a glass, spend too much, raise another glass, eat to much andenjoy the day.

Country clubs

So apparently I’m not really used to this whole country club scene–I’m walking up to the front door and see this old black guy in a suit moving for the door as well. I reach forward pulled open the door forhim and was a little shocked when he did the same. Yeah, he was the doorman. His job is to open the door. And he seemed alittle confused, even vexed that a non-professional such as myself had tried to do his job for him. There’s probably a union or something I’m supposed to be in.

Comparative Planetology

BldgBlog interviews Kim Stanley Robinson

Those Crazy Russians

Putin named Time’s Man Person of the Year. A truly weird choice–they spend most of the article trying to convince you, no really, this is a good choice.

Southland Tales

Between a freelance writing project that is eating my brain, a purely absurd amount of work at, well, work and the holidays I’ve been neglecting my little site. We’ll be firing up anew come January. For now if you really need something to read check out Salon’s summary of David E. Kelly’s (of Donnie Darko Fame) new movie Southland Tails. If you’re not totally confused, I applaud you. Even so, if you’re going to make a movie about end times, it is a good idea to have a giant blimp, The Rock as  time travelers (the plural is intentional) and Justin Timberlake reading the bible.

Merry Christmas from the Government

While the Republicans are passing a resolution celebrating Christmas, the president was vetoing health care for children. There’s a little bit of irony going on around here,” McDermott said Thursday. – (AP)

Man. Happy holidays Tiny Tim.

2007 Ideas

The New York Times tracks the best ideas of the year.

This is Austin



Christmas 1982

All that was cool to buy form Sears in the early ’80s, including Legos and Lingerie.

Clinton for President

Hillary Clinton will be the best president ever. Everywhere she goes, she fosters unity and patriotism, flowers sprout in her footsteps, puppies and kittens play together in her wake and god-fearing, apple-pie-eating-children flock to her warm manner as if she were a very skinny, east-coast-débutante version of Santa Clause. Like in Iowa where she’s encouraging college students to vote:

In a jab at Obama’s efforts to encourage out-of-state students who attend college in Iowa to caucus, Clinton said the caucuses are only for people who live in this state.

“This is a process for Iowans. This needs to be all about Iowa, and people who live here, people who pay taxes here,” she told the Clear Lake crowd. (Daily Kos)

Or the way she embraces her fellow running-mates…

A day after the Hillary campaign hit the Obama camp for bullying voters in nasty phone calls, the Hillary crew has just acknowledged that an Iowa county chair volunteering for the campaign passed along the now-notorious email that smears Obama as a Muslim by repeating the false claim that he attended a madrassa as a child. (TPM)

Ok, so maybe the dog is actually eating the kitten, the flowers are fakes planted by the CIA and the children are being herded by tazer-welding day care attendants. I’m as ready for an upgrade in leadership as anyone who’s been paying attention the last seven years, but is this really the best we can do?