Using the Google

John McCain, potentially the oldest president ever (just stating a fact), apparently cannot use a computer, and relies on his wife to search teh internets for him. Jesus Christ, when are we going to start giving these guys entrance exams? A commander-in-chief who can’t use one of the primary business and commerce tools of the modern world? Good luck with that one, I’m moving to new Zealand, if you people elect this guy….

John Cusack

Is angry. And justifiably so. It’s like the scene in High Fidelity where they beat the crap out of Tim Robbins, except this time it’s John McCain.


Live action smurfs. Dear god.


You know Monday’s going to suck, but Tuesday is pretty much always the surprise-bastard-child of the week. Deservedly vilified, usually overlooked, kind of sneaky, and pretty much guaranteed to steal money out of your wallet when your not looking.

The T-racer

Back in the day Brian and I both had variants of the vehicle to the right, although never quite as fancy (no racing stripes – probably why we had such a hard time in the College Station dating scene). I had the wagon varietal, with a broken windshield and he had the Mercury version, the Tracer (or Tee-racer as he dubbed it), complete with custom kayak-roof-rack (a wooden pallet tied to the top of the car). Both vehicles saw some completely inappropriate usage (right hand turns at 60mph, baja-rally style driving out to Reimer’s, shoving five kayaks on top for a trip to the river – and more that my lawyer has advised me not to disclose). How we are still alive and not guilty of vehicular manslaughter is often a mystery to me.

Site Update

Got tired of the excess black.

NASA & Twitter

Nasa has twitter accounts for the Mars Lander and STS124

Doping Sucks

Or does it?

Sign me up for some socks that say “Rural Moldovan Destitution Sucks.” And what about “Kazakh Existential Terror Sucks”? Can SockGuy fit that many letters around an ankleband? Do you have enough room on those socks to write whether you’re sincerely committed to the fight against doping if you’re not giving these kids other options — that potential to see Door #3? These no-hope kids, do they really “suck”? Are ultra-advanced WADA testing protocols the cure to our real ills? If we want to rehabilitate our sport and our world shouldn’t we be investing in other initiatives?

An interesting treatise from one of my favorite shops on the real problems in cycling, and how we should fix them. Maybe buying socks and wristbands that say ‘Dopers Suck,’ isn’t really all that productive in places like eastern Europe where the alternative (to being a winning cyclist) is working in a soviet-era coal mine.

Saving the Blue Distance

KUT’s weeklong history on the history of the Christmas Mountains.

Swiss Fun and Games

From a friend in Switzerland, more intresting and odd, traditional swiss games. No crazier than chickenshit bingo, i guess.