I traded these guys a website for a custom steel road frame. The load times are a littel slow, but otherwise I’m pleased.

Design as a Gift

Creative people have to believe in the value of their work. If you don’t have any belief then you can’t give anything – designing is an act of giving, and a belief in the value of the work fuels the desire to express something. (via swissmiss)

Not sure about the last time I was actually able to give said gift at a job (or if that’s even possible in most modern design jobs), but the full article/manifesto is interesting.


fancycanoe: dude
It’s so weird
I’m totally awake until i walk in my office and send my first email
Then my eyes feel all saggy and tired.

me: It’s the life sucking effect of employment
They’re looking at using the massive suction as a way to spin power-plant turbines and generate green energy.

Cicada Hot

After one of the wettest years since the civil war, it looks like the real summer has finally settled in over the newly sprouted jungle in Central Texas. It’s gotten to be cicada hot – when you walk outside at three in the afternoon, the sun slaps you in the head, your vision blurs (god help you if you left your sunglasses in the car) and all you can hear is the sound of a thousand cicada’s singing in the 110-degree-heat-index. This sound always confused me when i was younger – at one point I thought it was rattlesnakes – but as it turns out the brand of cicada we associate with in North America is known as the Tibicen genus – the annual or dog-day cicadas (named after the “Dog Days” because they emerge in late July and August). Apparently they have a built in noisemaker in their abdomens that can hit over 160db – Read more useless info about noisy bugs…


I’m sticking with my blackberry for the time being (mostly because t-mobile has me in a contract for another year) and to be honest it does most of the same basic functions as the new hotness that all my freinds are buying. One thing it can do that the iPhone can’t is copy and paste. Daring Fireball has a very interesting extrapolation as to Apple’s logic here.

The analogy that comes to mind is to the keyboard on the original Macintosh, which had no arrow keys. The most commonly cited reason for this omission was that Apple wanted to force users to use the mouse, and not allow them to fall back on keyboard-centric habits forged on pre-Mac computers. – read more…


As of Sunday, after 11.5 hours of standing on the accelerator as hard as i could (the panhandle is pretty damn boring), I’ve returned to the reality of going to work each morning, sleeping in a bed (as opposed to a car), warrantless-wiretapping legislation, traffic, 100 degree heat indices, and 600 un-read work emails.

In hindsight, maybe ending the roadtrip was a bad plan. I did manage to post the last few stragglers of my pictures up to the flickr account.

Oh and a side note – Thank you Texas DPS Patrolman Johnson for just slapping me with a warning on I-27. I drove 80, in the right lane the rest of the way I drove like a bat-out of hell as soon I saw you exit (your stretch of interstate is mind-blowingly boring), but you were a nice guy just the same.

Trails That Don’t Suck

When you check out theses pictures, cue up the theme to the Magnificent Seven, Chariots of fire, or if you’re a dork like me and bought the soundtrack to Off Road to Athens that would work best. My Pictures | Jeremy’s Pictures.