Road Bike

She’s only been at the shop two days, but of course those two days have had some of the nicest weather in months. Damn you brown santa! Bring me my replacement braze-on-to-clamp-on-derailleur-adapter!

On the RNC

The Daily Show’s coverage of the Republican convention has been spot-on all week, but this clip in particular is a masterpiece.

I saw a blog headline yesterday –  that  someone needs to remind Sarah Palin and the Republicans that Jesus Christ was a community organizer, and Pontius Pilate was a governor. If these guys win again I’m going to move to Mexico as the cuisine is better than Canada’s and apparently, given this VP pick,  I wouldn’t like being so close to Alaska.

Las Manitas

Las Manitas closes it’s doors to make way for a 1000 room convention hotel. Progress is awesome (that’s sarcasm, y’all). They had the crispiest migas I’ve ever had.


The fact that it briefly dipped below 95 degrees today and that gas now only costs $3.50 a gallon in our neck of the woods has me hankering for another road trip. Who’s coming with me?

Human Race

As I find myself in the middle of fifteen thousand runners, trudging their way up Red River, in the middle of August, about half way through the Nike Human Race 10K, I am very a cognizant of the power of the Nike public relations machine. Who else could convince me that running this far, when it’s this hot, with this many people, is a good plan? Even more, that it would be fun? If I ever need to run propaganda campaign to justify conquering a small nation to exploit their resources, I will be hiring these guys. The site of some many people clad in the same shirt – it was more than a little intimidating.

I will say though, having massive closed off streets to run on, including pretty much all of Congress, and a Ben Harper concert setup in front of the capitol was pretty cool.

The running…well…my knees don’t have the cartlidge that they used to, but we survived, placing 127,435th place.

Space Shuttle

The preparation to launch the shuttle on the mission to save the Hubble Telescope (from the big picture). It may be innefficent and poorly thought-out program but I’m going to miss the Space shuttle when it’s gone – it was a huge icon of our childhood, and quite frankly the new rockets aren’t doing it for me.