Trusted Names in News

According to the New York Times Jon Stewart is actually in a four-way tie with Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, and Anderson Cooper as the most rusted name in news. Keeping in mind that the other guys host supposedly real news shows.

…Mr. Stewart’s frequent exclamation “Are you insane?!” seems a fitting refrain for a post-M*A*S*H, post-“Catch-22” reality, where the surreal and outrageous have become commonplace — an era kicked off by the wacko 2000 election standoff in Florida, rocked by the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 and haunted by the fallout of a costly war waged on the premise of weapons of mass destruction that did not exist.

Funny. But a very, very sad sign of the times.

The Lorrain

I tend to like apartment complexes that aren’t exactly new. Preferably built after sheetrock was discovered but before the three-prong plug was introduced is ideal. A little bit of character, not one of these acres-long mega-complexes that populate former farm fields on the outskirts of our cities, like some kind of mutant crop.

The Lorrain (sadly not spelled like the song) is such a place. A bit of character, stuck on a hill above Lamar, where, if you crane your head just right, you can see the capitol dome. Unfortunately, the management that owns the Lorraine has been making some improvements to the facilities lately. Did they fix the water pressure? As anyone who’s ever bathed at my apartment knows, when the water pressure drops in shower, it’s best to quickly move out of the stream of water to avoid second degree burn from the liquid magma now issuing forth from the shower head. No, they’ve done nothing about the water pressure problems, but they did pressure wash the walkways (except they stopped  ten feet before they got to my door for some reason).Did they paint the raw plywood that makes up the cladding outside my front door? No it’s still plywood colored, but they did stain the floor in the laundry room with a lovely color of concrete stain. Well, how about the staircase that’s so unstable, I’m pretty sure I”m going to be thundering down it one day with a bike and have it collapse into a pile of splinters, my broken bones and SRAM component. Nope, no word on the stairs – we did however get a letter phrased in questionable grammar asking that we please remove all our grills from the courtyard, as they are making the place look junky. Any grill left in the courtyard would be tossed in the dumpster. Not donated to Habitat for Humanity or Goodwill, no fines or penalites, we’re just going to junk them. In response to this I filed a maintence request asking them to please remove the dumbasses from their office, perhaps placing them in the dumpster with all the BBQ grills. Last i checked it was still pending, but I bet they get to it before they fix my stairs.

Whoa Shit…

Obviously, things are not well in server land.

Update: When Moses came down off the mount (or wherever it was he got the commandments from – I’m a little fuzzy on that, and I only have one Jewish friend to verify these things and she’s busy), it turns out he left a few up on the hill (after all the were heavy, being made of stone). Among these lost commandments include – Thou shall not waste money on premium Gasoline as it doth not improve performance, Thou shall not mix vodka with diet tonic, nor nay even ever consort with fiendish diet mixers, and most importantly thou shalt always keep comprehensive, redundant back-ups of the files on your webserver (even if your hosting company claims to be doing this for you) to avoid inexplicable deletions of the entire server by unknown parties. 

In short, $75 and some lost sleep later, we are back in business. 

48 hours

Exactly 48 hours ago, I was screaming down the South Boundry Trail on my bike, making my way from Angel Fire to Taos through pristine stands of Aspen, with Elk running through the valley below me. The bike was running flawlessly, the air was cool, the views spectacular.

Now I’m at work, sitting at my desk, going through the 500 emails I got last week. Oh, and it’s going to hit at least 100 degrees today.


Too Many Meetings

I’m not sure excatly how it’s going to happen, but I’m damned certain that when the end of the world does go down, PowerPoint will some how be to blame.

More Trains

With gas price quickly reaching new leves of absurdity, Amtrak ridership is rapidly growing.

Amtrak set records in May, both for the number of passengers it carried and for ticket revenues — all the more remarkable because May is not usually a strong travel month.

But the railroad, and its suppliers, have shrunk so much, largely because of financial constraints, that they would have difficulty growing quickly to meet the demand. – NYT

Apparently, if you don’t invest in a prticular national infrastructure for, say, thirty years or so, at some point on down the line, you’re goign to run into some capacity issues. Case-in-point: it only costs $46 for a round-trip ticket from houston to austin, but it would take about 8 hours of travel time (ususally a 3.5 hour drive).  Sadly, not very pratical.  (via kottke)

Using the Google

John McCain, potentially the oldest president ever (just stating a fact), apparently cannot use a computer, and relies on his wife to search teh internets for him. Jesus Christ, when are we going to start giving these guys entrance exams? A commander-in-chief who can’t use one of the primary business and commerce tools of the modern world? Good luck with that one, I’m moving to new Zealand, if you people elect this guy….


You know Monday’s going to suck, but Tuesday is pretty much always the surprise-bastard-child of the week. Deservedly vilified, usually overlooked, kind of sneaky, and pretty much guaranteed to steal money out of your wallet when your not looking.


It’s about half past wade-wants-to-get-the fuck outta here, and I’d like to thank the gods of capitalism for making me drag my ass to work to sit in a moldy, god-forsaken office, while the weather gods continue to taunt me by throwing a party with blues skies and a nice breeze just outside my window. Dammit.

On a different unrelated, irrelevant, and possible ludicrous point, have you ever wondered why it costs so much to UPS something? Well I have, and it appears my iphone has discovered the answer – UPS socks. That’s right, apparently, Brown has UPS embodiered on socks for their driver. I wonder if you can get boxers too (which is humorous because you send things in boxes..get it… boxers… boxes…)?


Thanks Mr. Lucas

I wanted to take this opportunity to personally thank George Lucas for taking time out of his busy schedule of making bad, unrequested animated follow-ups to the Star Wars triology, to take yet another steaming crap on one of my fond childhood memories.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was going ok until ET showed up for an ill-conceived movie crossover and things went downhill from there. I can take Harrison Ford being old, he played it off well, I can even take the fact that he’s pitted against Russians and not Nazis, but aliens? Dear god. I like alien movies, but you can’t cross genres like that, it just plain doesn’t work. Battlestar Galactica and The Bourne Identity? No. Alien II and National Treasure? No.

About the same time that Cate Blanchet is getting frisky with some Alien skull ( seriously, why does it glow ? ), the Speilburg/Lucas team make the second worst plot decision and bring Karen Allen (who looks oddly stretched) back into the story. I mean, really ? I know we’re going for a circular story line, but give me a break.

The cardinal sin is the ending though – and this is a spoiler, if you can consider such a disaster of a film spoiled – Indiana Jones does not get married. Why not just invite James Bond for a vegas-style double marriage, it’d be just as plausible. Its almost like Lucas and Speilburg got together and said, “man, I’m really tied of people bugging us about the Indiana Jones movies. Lets so completely wipe our collective asses with this script that there’s no way possible to continue it (at least with Harrison Ford at the reigns…yeah I saw the hat tip to the kid too, I’m holding judgment on that).”

The only redeeming part of the movie was at the Alamo Drafthouse pre-show, there was a very fine Indy inspired cover of Mr. Jones. Take a look, and maybe it will help you forget that this wretched piece of crap move ever existed.

Yes, it’s terrible, but no worse than the movie.