The Undecided

I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention? To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”

– Author David Sedaris, on undecided voters

Third Times the Charm

At Texas A&M, something is supposed to happen three times before it becomes a tradition. We also give our mascot a full military funeral, but that’s another story. Anyhow, this election season, it looks like the GOP plans to steal the election by purging voter rolls in swing states, thereby establishing a nice tradition (by A&M standards), seeing as 2004 and 2000 were stolen by computer fraud and the supreme court, respectively.

Tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law, according to a review of state records and Social Security data by The New York Times. (NYT)

The article goes on to claim that it’s nobody’s fault (cough-bullshit-cough-cough), not really one party or the other, but the fact remains that your vote may not count. The real point to take home is the flaws in the registration process – we can run a tax system (the IRS will find you if you live on the moon), a social security system and even a national census that dictates our congressional districts but somehow, we cant get our populace registered to vote.

The moral here is that your government would actually prefer you not vote, as it makes their jobs harder.


My second-cousin-once-removed’s trained parrot (named Charlie), who can sing “Jesus Loves Me,” all by itself, is clearly smarter than Sarah Palin.

My impression of Palin – blah blah blah blah Regan, Russia, blah blah blah blah, John McCain, hockey mom, blah blah blah.

Update2: This flowchart gives us some insight into the high-end decision making processes involved in the debate.

Update3: For those of you that noticed the typo on ‘parrot,’ thank you. Sadly, my cousin does not have a singing-fortune-telling card (although that would be cool). I apologize for the error –  I was at the bar, using my phone to post and more concerned about shouting at the television than correct spelling.

Post Turtle

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year old Texas rancher whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Sarah Palin and her bid to be a heartbeat away from being President.

The old rancher said, “Well, ya know, Palin is a post turtle.”

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was.

The old rancher said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle.”

The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain. “You know she didn’t get up there by herself, she doesn’t belong up there, she doesn’t know what to do while she is up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put her up there to begin with.”

Thanks to my dad for this one.

On the RNC

The Daily Show’s coverage of the Republican convention has been spot-on all week, but this clip in particular is a masterpiece.

I saw a blog headline yesterday –  that  someone needs to remind Sarah Palin and the Republicans that Jesus Christ was a community organizer, and Pontius Pilate was a governor. If these guys win again I’m going to move to Mexico as the cuisine is better than Canada’s and apparently, given this VP pick,  I wouldn’t like being so close to Alaska.


Although I’m certain there are some cycnical bastards out there, Obama’s speech last night was the first thing I’ve heard from a public figure in a long time that lead me to believe we weren’t doomed as a country, a generation, a planet, etc.

Here’s hoping he’s the real deal and more so, that the Democrats don’t screw this up (soemthign they’ve really excelled at in recent years).

Letter from the World

The world, as in all those other countries besides ours, has written an open letter beseeching McCain to drop out of the race because…well…if he wins, we’re all going to have to move to the previously mentioned other countries.

“Look, this isn’t funny,” said a world representative, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “You’ve got one candidate who has a reasonably sane and comprehensive foreign policy combined with detailed knowledge of American domestic affairs, and another candidate who isn’t always sure which country he’s talking about and whose domestic policy consists of telling people to stop whining. Why are you even throwing this open to a vote? Are you people out of your minds?”

Read the rest (Via Clusterflock).

Saving America

As gas approaches the same cost per gallon as Boone’s Finer Farms Strawberry Wine, it’s clear that things are not going well. Well, the hell with the politicos, I’ve figured out how to solve 90% of the countries problems – My Rage. That’s right, through a highly advanced (patent pending) piece of hardware (see fig 1a), my crack team of researchers has figured out how to transfer my anger directly into the drive-train of my Subaru.

Initial tests indicate that having people cut into my lane without signaling yielded only marginal results. However, we found that the rage-to-torque meter was pegged when they replayed George Bush’s presidential speeches on a loop. While the results are good there is a concern that listening to the president talk that much could make unwary drivers profoundly dumber. However seeing as the American public elected the guy twice, its hard to see how this could really have any large-scale negative effect (you can also get even better results by hooking Keith Olberman up to the device, but that’s logistically difficult).

Expect to see our revolutionary RoadRage(tm) hit the streets in December of 2012, just before the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar.


Excited that your IRS refund is landing in your bank account? Ready to go do your patriotic duty and buy some cheap plastic crap from china, and say thanks Uncle Sam?

It’s more like this: You’ve been continuously mugged and beaten and robbed blind for the past seven years straight, and as you lay there on the cold, hard economic ground, bleeding and gasping and wondering what the hell happened to your vacation time and your health care plan and your mortgage payment, your attackers scoff and leer and toss a couple of bloodstained nickels on your pulverized face and mutter, here sucker, have some bus fare, and then they cackle and stomp away with all your loot and dignity and hope, back to the White House from whence they came.

SFgate offers this missive and some other fine suggestions on what do with your check.

The Unforseen

Germ turned me on to this one – a documentary about Austin’s struggles for smart growth, with the Barton Springs caught in the middle. Parts of this made me so damn proud to live here (the all-night city council hearing where they shut down the initial development) while others damn near had me throwing my beer at the screen (Rick ‘big-hair’ Perry speaking at the take back Texas rally). Regardless of your political leanings, take a look if you get the chance – hopefully it’ll make you think.

Watch the Trailer